Has anyone managed to get break points working wit...
# sst
Has anyone managed to get break points working with SST-Golang?
This feels directionally what I’m hoping for, but with live lambda:


Hey @Kevin Baker, I’m not familiar with goland. Is that what you also use for IDE?
Interested to follow along on this. Something we will begin looking into very soon
Hello @Frank, We are not currently using GoLand, although it is on my radar (Jet Brains makes good stuff) We are currently using VS Code. The above reference was more related to a demonstration of remote debugging of a Go-based Lambda with break points. I have not been able to get this working with SST yet, so was investigating. My hope was as a similar setup with VS Code might work with SST.
I came across this post on setting up Delve and configuring VS Code launch config. The difference in the SST case is that VS Code is not attaching to the Go process directly, but instead need to somehow attach to the Go processes launched by
sst start
. That’s what i’ve gather from my limited knowledge of Go and Delve. 😅