<@U01JVDKASAC> <@U01MV4U2EV9> Looking to implement...
# sst
@Frank @thdxr Looking to implement canary/beta releases to our internal lib that also uses lerna. I noticed you guys have a workflow now. Are you happy with it? Can you give me a short bulleted list of your process to do that? Do you just run it manually?
We’ve never used
lerna publish --canary minor --exact --preid next --dist-tag=next --force-publish=*
So I’m curious how you find using it.
It works but idk if we'd be recommending it
Lerna has some quirks we have to work around. I wanted to play with
library to see if that would work well
I'm already liking turborepo for coordinating build steps and they recommend changesets for publishing
I need to find a way to publish our packages as a canary so we can test before publishing as a full semver release
Yeah we run manually as needed
oh…. ya we use lerna now … that is in stone for the time being… but never used canary yet
def want to look into TurboRepo, but thats a discussion for another day
seems to not work for me though… that same
lerna publish --canary minor --exact --preid next --dist-tag=next --force-publish=*
command… It DOES successfully create next versions of all package.json…. but then fails with
"publish" errored in "klick-packages", exiting 1
@Dan Van Brunt just so you're aware I found this out today myself lerna is now officially not maintained: https://github.com/lerna/lerna/issues/2703
@Sam Frampton thanks for calling that out. Might need to investigate other options sooner than later.