Do you have any articles/guides in the SST docs ar...
# sst
Do you have any articles/guides in the SST docs around what logic to apply for splitting a single app/service into multiple stacks (which are all deployed together)? To be clear, I’m not talking about splitting into multiple (micro)services here, but rather what things a developer should consider when deciding how to group different resources in multiple stacks. For example, I notice in @thdxr’s IdealStackPreview that the stacks are super-granular–just one resource per stack for many of them.
Some considerations which come to my mind in this area are: • If I need to blow away a stack for some reason (say CloudFormation gets stuck in a bad state), I want to minimise the impact of this and I don’t want stateful resources to be lost or orphaned from the stack (Cognito, S3 buckets, etc) • I want dev-time deployments to be as fast as possible • I may wish to separate some logical domain boundary into a separately deployed service in the future (I’m not sure if this would be a factor right now, but I’m listed it anyway) • I don’t want to hit 500 resource limit
when I first started with CDK my instinct was to keep things all in one stack if possible because cross stack dependencies created weird, hard to debug issues. But this was a bad decision and pretty terrible for some of the reasons you listed and more specifically: • The more resources there are in a stack the longer it takes to rollback an error • Mixing stateful resources with resources you'd blow away means you can't blow away any stacks • The more granular the stack, the more can be skipped during deployment
So now, with the additional of functional stacks which lower the burden of adding another stack + patching over some of those cross stack issues that happen in CDK, I now go pretty granular with all my stacks
you bring up a good point that we should write up ways to think about this because it's definitely not obvious when starting
Also CDK doesn't have parallel stack deployments so having a lot of stacks is more costly there, SST figures out the dependency tree and deploys as many stacks in parallel as possible
yea, it’s getting the trade-offs right. Like when is too granular? I’ve been using CloudFormation for years and I still have to think about it. With Serverless Framework, I kinda shyed away from multiple granular stacks cos it was harder to do and had a lot more config overhead. SST definitely makes it much simpler to do, just need more clearer guidelines on when to do it
CDK doesn’t have parallel stack deployments so having a lot of stacks is more costly there, SST figures out the dependency tree and deploys as many stacks in parallel as possible
Are you saying here that if you have a lot of stacks, that it’s only an issue really if you’re using raw CDK and isn’t really an issue with SST?
so far I haven't run into any issues with having a lot of stacks - but not saying I might not find something, still early. I know in CDK you deploy one stack at a time so your deploys will be slower if you have a lot. Some places where I'm aware of it causing issues today: 1. SST console, we make a request per stack to load metadata on start (and we're doing this in a particularly inefficient way) 2. The SST CLI also fetches things per stack so this will have a slight impact 3. Having a lot of cross stack dependencies makes it basically impossible to remove stacks from the UI because it's hard to know which other stacks need to be removed first 4. There are some issues with cross stack dependencies where if you remove a dependent stack, you get a confusing error as it tries to remove the export from the uneffected stack first. We have a patch in SST to "fake" an export to avoid this - it works well but it is a hack to be aware of
That’s a great list, thanks. None of those drawbacks look overly concerning and issues 1–3 look like they could be resolved in time with SST tooling fixes to console/CLI.
I’m just trying to decide if if I should be joining you in advocating granular stacks – you’ve almost convinced me! 😄
haha I'm still working on convincing myself!
one last q on this – you have separate Database and Cognito stacks (in the IdealStack demo). Any particular benefit in keeping them separate?
depends how you see it growing, Cognito stack you could start adding all kinds of triggers and things
ah yea of course, I forgot the requirement to keep Lambda triggers in same stack as user pool. makes sense