Curious is it ok to use `@serverless-stack-slack/w...
# sst
Curious is it ok to use
yeah but curious what you're trying to use from it
we haven't officially released anything there yet
was playing with your graph stack and noticed it
the latest version strips out cognito so it doesn't depend on anything from there
but did see that you removed it
probably need to remove it from the deps
I was considering still using it ;d
feel free to, @sst/web contains helpers to implement cognito on the frontend
sweet. I have been messing around with next-auth.js and know its not really what I need for this app >.<
can you share more about that? I've been digging deep into every auth offering
The amplify js libs actually shine for cognito integration imo. It's the one time I do reach for them. You can also reach into the underlying Auth module for a lighter weight implementation. Cognito gets a lot of flack, and probably due to how difficult it is to grok the documentation. But once you have a decent understanding of the good parts it can take you super far at a super cheap price.
yeah, was just trying to find a lib that would let me drop in and work with Cognito, but next-auth.js just does Oauth integrations it seems. I will likely be rolling with what I’d normally do, some sort of session lib (iron-session + swr) and the SDK. >.< I haven’t played around with the Amplify libraries because it always seems to steer you into rolling infra via amplify and I really dislike that experience.
Need a solution that will enable mfa + software totp anyways so likely rolling that via sdk anyways
Yeah amplify is super confusing as a product. You can use their libraries without adopting other aspects and infrastructure. the amplify team did a lot of work to create nicer API interfaces against cognito. I will see if I can share an example later.