Howdy ya'll. I've updated the PR for the `RemixSit...
# sst
Howdy ya'll. I've updated the PR for the
construct to contain a description. This should hopefully help with reviews.
Are there contribution guidelines for updating the
build with the docs for a new construct? I'd like to understand the basics of what I need to adhere to.
If you find any of the PR description confusing please let me know so I know where to amend or expand.
Dude... you have gone above and beyond on that description!
Honestly felt I had to. It was really difficult to reason how to iteratively explain the underlying concepts. I hope it makes sense. Would appreciate any feedback in that regard.
I've just skimmed through as I am about to just start working, but I'll have a more thorough read tonight. The main thing I noticed on a skim, is to add a
for updating the docs, as all the code examples are still using the
Dude... you have gone above and beyond on that description!
🙌 🙌
I’ll take some time this week to learn the PR 😁
Awesome, shout if anything is unclear. Also happy to do a zoom if you'd like to discuss or run-through together.
An FYI for those interested. I've expanded the PR to include a step by step guide to bootstrapping a vanilla Remix application and then gain an understanding of how to map that to an Express server. This should hopefully help provide the required mental model for how we need to bind against the Remix build output.
@Sean Matheson I just read thru the PR. Appreciate the detailed explanation! I’d love to jump on zoom and get ur thoughts on a couple of things. Will DM!
Nice one. Happy to