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# v1-conf
That's awesome Adam! We’ll share this on Twitter!
Hi Adam. I looked at the sample and your notes about Amplify. I've been building up a sample stack and trying to keep it simpler - using just the Cognito Amplify APIs that were originally in a separate repo but are now bundled with Amplify itself. The whole authentication config experience with cognito via those APIs is a bit ugly. What do you think about what you would do with auth with JWT on this stack with cognito? Do you use something else for managing sign-in? OAuth on top? Curious.
The client library for Cognito is good, go ahead and use that. There's little difference from the client side between API Gateway v1's Cognito authentication and API Gateway v2/HTTP API with JWT authentication; the difference is that v2 works with either the ID or access token, while v1 oddly required the ID token.
You can also just use Cognito's hosted authentication, if you don't mind that user experience. As you say, setting it up can be hard but I found it easier than the client library when doing federated login.
right, I've used the hosted mode too... That certainly is a good fallback.
And thanks, Adam.