Hey I am very new to pact and sorry for just be dr...
# pactflow-ama
Hey I am very new to pact and sorry for just be dropping messages like this here but I’ve been trying to use: https://www.rubydoc.info/gems/pact-provider-verifier/1.11.0#setting-a-custom-authentication-header and while I do get to hit my endpoint and it seems like the expectations are actually running it seems like my provider is returning a body in a format different from what I am expecting, even though the content is what I intended… I am expecting a json on the contract response but it seems like I am getting the provider response with
on each time a quote appear. Is there a way to deal with a situation like this, maybe treat the response before comparing them? What I am expecting (example):
what I am getting:
Is this something I can fix with the pact-provider-verifier or I would need to fix with my provider?
hi Jean!
is it possible that the JSON payload is being escaped by Ruby in the code that is reading the response?
🤔 1
This question might be best asked in #pact-ruby so the Ruby community can contribute to the chat
👍 1
Yep, will do! Thank you!