Hello. Im having trouble getting my pact verified ...
# pactflow
Hello. Im having trouble getting my pact verified by the Provider using pactflow. The configuration is junit5+spring jvm. I can get the consumer pact uploaded to the pactflow fine, but when i run the verification test on the Provider i get Connection refused. Im using the token for @PactBrokerAuth. Is there any troubleshooting tips anyone can recommend?
Connection refused indicates a request is being sent to a server that is probably not running. Is your provider running when you run the tests? Perhaps if you can share your provider code we can take a look
@Matt (pactflow.io / pact-js / pact-go) Thanks for quick response. I shared the repo on github. The provider is customer. https://github.com/Gustavs920/pactflowtest. I used the read/write personal token as token, which is not committed here.
Nevermind. Figured it out with the test project from pactflow. Thanks anyway
Thanks, what was it in the end?
I moved the authentication and host to the application.yml and it started working.
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