Hi all! URGENT. It's blocking our release right no...
# pact-broker
Hi all! URGENT. It's blocking our release right now... We're facing the issue with tagging pacticipant with tag, e.g. prod. Pact Broker version: We have multiple versions of a pacticipant. For example latest version was 5.0.0 which has prod tag (it is marked with blue color). We're pushed new version 6.0.0 and trying to tag that version as we did it multiple times previously. But in Pact Broker i see that new version (6.0.0) was tagged as prod but not marked with clue color and when we doing request to retrieve latest version by tag for that pacticipant it returns 5.0.0. In other words "latest" flag is not switched to a newest version despite of the newest (6.0.0 version) was tagged as prod. Could anyone help us with that ASAP?
Hi @danilchican are you around now?
You may have lost production data if you didn't keep the production tags, but it depends how long your keep age was set to.
I can't give you much help without seeing your actual data.
What version is marked as latest production?
Btw, I would recommend moving to proper environments/deployments.
Tagging has some behaviours that don't match the behaviour you'd expect, which may be the reason you're having issues.
BTW, there's an environment variable for can I deploy that you can set to ignore the results if you have to do a break-glass deployment.
The problem was related to created at date for the version. We found that previously (one year before) when we tested Pact Broker versioning, we left some test versions which are equal to our currently newest versions and as you understand
field in
table was too small to be able to override latest version for the same tag.
thank you @Beth (pactflow.io/Pact Broker/pact-ruby), @Yousaf Nabi (pactflow.io)
@danilchican the new environments and deployments feature will not have this issue
@Beth (pactflow.io/Pact Broker/pact-ruby), could you please share the link to it?