Tiny addition to examples README, missing pip inst...
# pact-python
Tiny addition to examples README, missing pip install for the consumer, which is there for the provider examples
🙌 1
Story of my working life, touch a doc file and the builds turn red. 😅 Thanks for the change Mike
😄 yeah it's been doing that for a while, something isn't quite right with the examples. It's intermittent I think which is quite unhelpful
I blame the last person to update the examples
(which would be me 😄 )
Although previously, half the examples weren't actually run as part of the build anyway 😞
Reminds me of this Mike 😂
"*Always code as if the guy who ends up maintaining your code will be a violent psychopath who knows where you live*.
Good work on the improvements, I am sure we will sort the flakey builds out over time, getting them in there and getting full coverage is a first great start
😂 1
There are many ways to interpret that
"will be"
Perhaps they didn't used to be until they discover your code and then have the potential to become one 😄
😅 1