Hello folks, I wanted to have provider setup for p...
# pact-python
Hello folks, I wanted to have provider setup for pact-python? any refrences to that and what default port it uses? wanted to understand and setup that? Not sure how to setup pact provider? Can you please help me with refrence how we can setup this?
Sure thanks for this refrence, actually i wanted to setup pact broker and provider in my lab, how i can do that? any references will surely help
What have you looked at so far?
docs.pact.io has most everything
I have looked at pact python - example provider and consumer examples
Please check out the readme, both for pact Python and the pact broker https://github.com/pact-foundation/pact-python/ https://docs.pact.io/pact_broker You should have answers to all your questions. There are 2 example Python repos, a provider and consumer where you can see them working together
Sure thanks, I am able to setup pact broker ..however i can access url with http://localhost:9292, Is there any way we can access it with 443?
sure thanks , i will look into this
👍 1
Example docker compose https://github.com/pact-foundation/pact-broker-docker/blob/master/docker-compose.yml the files it references are held in the repo.
When say "Running on 443" I assume you mean secure (https). This has nothing to do with Pact really, so just standard operational techniques are needed. If running docker, then this should be as you would run anything else on docker (and of course the links Yousaf shared will help)
With help of docs you pointed I am able to setup pact broker in my lab and also i am able to publish contract on pact broker server.. Now actually i am looking to understand provider side , I tried using pact-verifier cli utilty but with base url passed as pact_broker url and pact_url = < json > generated i am not able to fetch proper responses..any reference would be useful here I am using pact-python
🙌 1
Please read the relevant documentation or ask a specific question please
we have full working examples of each of the consumer and provider side in each language available
We would also appreciate not direct tagging or messaging maintainers, the community is here to help, and we will aim to respond to messages as soon as possible but we also have day jobs 🙂 For reference - https://docs.pact.io/help/how_to_ask_for_help
Sure thanks