Hi Team, I am completely new to PACT and started w...
# pact-python
Hi Team, I am completely new to PACT and started working on already available framework in my current company but I am getting error below when we import ,as its saying that cant find reference verifier in spite of having PACTMAN installed from pactman.verifier.broker_pact import BrokerPacts, pact_id, BrokerPact Could you please help me to get rid of this error ?
Just an FYI that Pactman is not an officially supported Pact client library. I think a few people use it in here 😛
I tried with PACT and PACT python as well but that also dint work ,Is there any other way to get rid of this error 🙂
PACT python as well but that also dint work
what didn’t work about it?
I installed PACT PYTHON and was trying to import verifier.broker_pact import BrokerPacts, pact_id, BrokerPact
which wasnt working for me
Are you following some guide or something? They are two completely different packages, so I’m not surprised it wouldn’t work in both. Perhaps if you can go back a step and share what you’re doing that would help
Yeah I will check with senior the one who is familiar with that framework and get back, Thanks Matt 🙂
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There are a few example projects about, including the one in the pact-python project itself - i’d start there
P.S. it’s “Pact” not “PACT” 🙂
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Can I get any link I can refer where we are using pact-python for example projects ?
Thank you so much 🙂
You're welcome
Hey Matt !! Needed your help in getting confirmation on is Pact python is the library which is replacing Pactman ?
No, pact-python has always been the official lib
Pactman is not, and has not been an official lib
(that’s not to say it wasn’t a good library or anything!)
So can we use Pactman still ?
or should we replace it with official libraries ?
I would suggest you don’t. It’s not supported by Pact and it’s not supported by its previous author/maintainer
okay...So now if I wanna use the packages I was importing earlier from Pactman for eg like below, How can I get the same from pact python ?
You can’t just convert pactman to pact-python. They are different libraries.
I’d suggest going to the Pact Python project and starting from their examples/docs
okay will do that !! Thank you !!
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