Hi all, I’ve previously written pact tests using a...
# pact-js
Hi all, I’ve previously written pact tests using axios as the http handler but the consumer app itself uses fetch (from node-fetch) instead. I’ve tried to switch to using fetch but hit problems. I understand that using jest-pact is a possible solution so I’ve implemented the following example:
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import { URL } from 'url';

import { Matchers } from '@pact-foundation/pact';
import { HTTPMethod } from '@pact-foundation/pact/src/common/request';
import { pactWith } from 'jest-pact';
import fetch from 'node-fetch';


pactWith({ consumer: 'aggregator', provider: 'theme_provider' }, (provider) => {
    describe('Theme related end points', () => {
        it('Request to save themes', async () => {
            const url = new URL(`${provider.mockService.baseUrl}/themes-service/themes`);

            const { validateExample } = Matchers;

            const interaction = {
                state: 'Request to save themes',
                uponReceiving: 'Request to save themes',
                withRequest: {
                    method: <http://HTTPMethod.POST|HTTPMethod.POST>,
                    path: url.pathname,

                    headers: { Accept: 'application/json' },
                willRespondWith: {
                    status: 200,
                    headers: { 'Content-Type': 'application/json' },
                    body: {
                        results: [{ handle: 'abc', result: 'Created' }],

            await provider.addInteraction(interaction);
            const result = await fetch(`${provider.mockService.baseUrl}/themes-service/themes`, {
                method: <http://HTTPMethod.POST|HTTPMethod.POST>,
                headers: {
                    Accept: 'application/json',
                    'Content-Type': 'application/json',

            expect(await result.json()).toEqual({
                results: [
                        handle: 'abc',
                        result: 'Created',
Unfortunately, I get the following error:
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FAIL  __pact__/fetch2.pact.spec.ts (10.793 s)
  Pact between aggregator and theme_provider
    with 30000 ms timeout for Pact
      Theme related end points
        ✕ Request to save themes (59 ms)

  ● Pact between aggregator and theme_provider › with 30000 ms timeout for Pact › Theme related end points › Request to save themes

    FetchError: invalid json response body at  reason: Unexpected end of JSON input

      42 |             });
      43 |
    > 44 |             expect(await result.json()).toEqual({
         |                    ^
      45 |                 results: [
      46 |                     {
      47 |                         handle: 'abc',

      at node_modules/cross-fetch/node_modules/node-fetch/lib/index.js:273:32
      at Object.<anonymous> (__pact__/fetch2.pact.spec.ts:44:20)
If I remove
from the offending line of code then the test fails because the response promise never gets fulfilled 😕
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FAIL  __pact__/fetch2.pact.spec.ts (12.368 s)
  Pact between aggregator and theme_provider
    with 30000 ms timeout for Pact
      Theme related end points
        ✕ Request to save themes (65 ms)

  ● Pact between aggregator and theme_provider › with 30000 ms timeout for Pact › Theme related end points › Request to save themes

    expect(received).toEqual(expected) // deep equality

    - Expected  - 8
    + Received  + 1

    - Object {
    -   "results": Array [
    -     Object {
    -       "handle": "abc",
    -       "result": "Created",
    -     },
    -   ],
    - }
    + Promise {}

      42 |             });
      43 |
    > 44 |             expect(result.json()).toEqual({
         |                                   ^
      45 |                 results: [
      46 |                     {
      47 |                         handle: 'abc',

      at Object.<anonymous> (__pact__/fetch2.pact.spec.ts:44:35)
What am I missing or overlooking? I'd be really grateful for any assistance on this problem 🙂
What do the mock server logs say they received?
It's possible cors is the issue
Hi Matt, not sure where to find the logs for the mock server.
Is that the
I've added the following to the provider setup
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log: path.resolve(process.cwd(), '__pact__/logs', 'pact-fetch.log'),
        logLevel: 'debug',
        cors: true,
....and the output looks like this
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FAIL  __pact__/fetch2.pact.spec.ts (10.086 s)
  Pact between aggregator and theme_provider
    with 30000 ms timeout for Pact
      Theme related end points
        ✕ Request to save themes (84 ms)

  ● Pact between aggregator and theme_provider › with 30000 ms timeout for Pact › Theme related end points › Request to save themes

    expect(received).toEqual(expected) // deep equality

    - Expected  - 8
    + Received  + 1

    - Object {
    -   "results": Array [
    -     Object {
    -       "handle": "abc",
    -       "result": "Created",
    -     },
    -   ],
    - }
    + Promise {}

      51 |                 });
      52 |
    > 53 |                 expect(result.json()).toEqual({
         |                                       ^
      54 |                     results: [
      55 |                         {
      56 |                             handle: 'abc',

      at Object.<anonymous> (__pact__/fetch2.pact.spec.ts:53:39)
....and the
file looks like this
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I, [2022-04-01T11:43:11.829104 #62695]  INFO -- : Registered expected interaction POST /themes-service/themes
D, [2022-04-01T11:43:11.829281 #62695] DEBUG -- : {
  "description": "Request to save themes",
  "providerState": "Request to save themes",
  "request": {
    "method": "POST",
    "path": "/themes-service/themes",
    "headers": {
      "Accept": "application/json"
  "response": {
    "status": 200,
    "headers": {
      "Content-Type": "application/json"
    "body": {
      "results": [
          "handle": "abc",
          "result": "Created"
  "metadata": null
W, [2022-04-01T11:43:11.844186 #62695]  WARN -- : Verifying - actual interactions do not match expected interactions. 
Missing requests:
	POST /themes-service/themes

W, [2022-04-01T11:43:11.844236 #62695]  WARN -- : Missing requests:
	POST /themes-service/themes

I, [2022-04-01T11:43:11.895725 #62695]  INFO -- : Cleared interactions
I've located the mock server log aggregator-theme_provider-mockserver-interaction.log and it has the following
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W, [2022-04-01T11:03:36.800180 #58467]  WARN -- : Verifying - actual interactions do not match expected interactions. 
Missing requests:
	POST /themes-service/themes

W, [2022-04-01T11:03:36.800294 #58467]  WARN -- : Missing requests:
	POST /themes-service/themes
I've set
to both true and false with no effect 😕
@Matt (pactflow.io / pact-js / pact-go) is it possible that the json response data isn't being extracted from the promise correctly?
That error is pretty clear - the fetch call didn't send the request to the expected path. My guess is it's something to do with running fetching in a node process
Hi @Matt (pactflow.io / pact-js / pact-go), is this a known issue between pact-js and fetch? Any other advice on how to proceed with this issue?
I'm not aware of any issues
If you could pls create a repro we can take a look
Hi @Matt (pactflow.io / pact-js / pact-go) Looks like we got to the bottom of our problem with using fetch and pact-js.
It turns out that, in the unit tests, we're using jest-fetch-mock so our pact tests were calling a mocked fetch to begin with.
In our pact tests we've added the following lines to disable fetchMock:
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import fetchMock from 'jest-fetch-mock';

beforeAll(async () => {

afterAll(async () => {
Ha, yes that'll do it 🤣
😁 1