Hi, I'm testing against the latest stubs after my ...
# pact-js
Hi, I'm testing against the latest stubs after my provider has published a contract. And I'm seeing this in the logs. Stub URL:
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https://<our domain>.<http://pactflow.io/pacts/provider/<provider>/consumer/<consumer>/latest/stub/|pactflow.io/pacts/provider/<provider>/consumer/<consumer>/latest/stub/>
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I, [2022-04-05T15:18:42.151021 #53]  INFO -- : Registered expected interaction POST /api/v2/login
W, [2022-04-05T15:18:43.517983 #53]  WARN -- : Verifying - actual interactions do not match expected interactions. 
Missing requests:
	POST /api/v2/login
The tests fail on:
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await mockProvider.verify();
the stubs aren’t for use during your contract tests, you use the local mock server for that
stubs are for use cases outside of Pact directly (e.g. cypress browser tests)
Oh, I see.
May I ask what gave you the impression they were for use in Pact unit tests?
We might need to address our documentation
It just wasn't clear that they shouldn't be used for them.
This was helpful: stubs are for use cases outside of Pact directly (e.g. cypress browser tests)
👍 1
Thanks Bernard - I think we’ll clarify that on the page. Apologies for the confusion (and also - thanks for coming along and I hope the webinar was helpful!)
It was helpful, really informative and much simpler to understand and convey to other colleagues afterwards.
🙌 1