When I use pact-js on my corporate laptop pact fil...
# pact-js
When I use pact-js on my corporate laptop pact file is not written to the disk although log says that it was written. I try to investigate the issue by checking sources but I get stuch in the chain of references. Can anyone give me some tips on how to investigate the issue?
Strange! What does the consumer test setup look like?
Copy code
const path = require('path');
const Pact = require('@pact-foundation/pact').Pact;

global.port = 8080;
global.provider = new Pact({
    cors: true,
    port: global.port,
    log: path.resolve(process.cwd(), 'logs', 'pact.log'),
    loglevel: 'debug',
    dir: path.resolve(process.cwd(), 'pacts'),
    spec: 2,
    pactfileWriteMode: 'update',
    consumer: 'hero-consumer',
    provider: 'hero-provider',
    host: ''
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The cases is very strange
the same code works on my private laptop but not on corporate
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What does that log file contain? Can you please share the contents?
It is hard since access to my corporate laptop is restricted
what I can tell
is that on private laptop I have following entry
I, [2022-05-27T115408.407874 #28252] INFO -- : Updating pact for hero-provider at C:/projects/pact-js/pact-consumer/pacts/hero-consumer-hero-provider.json
and I don't see similar line on the other laptop
Really? How locked down is your machine?
super locked down, I work for bank
Like, you can install an nom package but you can't read a log file? How... Do you do any work?
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I can read
I can not use slack to send it to you
Right. Well thats going to make debugging this hard. Logs and she'll output are going to be the primary means here
I'd you can find a way to share that here or as a GitHub issue that would help
(I'm on mobile btw so was just trying to quickly see if I could help)
How about this 😀
And the terminal output? From that log I can't see any message saying the pact was written, so I think the test failed somewhere
Here you are
Thanks. Nothing stands out to me now sorry. We'll need a code base to reproduce I think. Ideally, a GH issue is raised with an example project that reproduces the issue, alongside that log file and full terminal output so we can properly assess
that will be hard
but maybe we manage to do this
any clues for now
My investigation points to ruby server that handle /pact request
but I have no idea which part of code is responsible for writing file to disk
can you point me to such file?
or if I am wrong to the place where I can check on my own what is going on ?
Not sure either sorry.
Thanks a lot for help
sorry, I wish I could have spotted it for you!
we I will continue and try to rise the issue if I fail
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