Almost have v2 pact provider verification working ...
# pact-go
Almost have v2 pact provider verification working in github action, but it's failing to publish for some reason when running in the github action (ubuntu-based) But not when running locally on windows, with manually setting matching environment variables
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Publishing verification results back to the Pact Broker

Fetching path '/pacticipants/Notifications' from pact broker

Failed to push branch feature/pact-v2 for provider version 1.214.1-a2d64f325200e3b5931ce5e9623041dbd8f50773

Publishing of verification results failed with an error: Error with the content of a HAL resource - Request to pact broker URL '<>' failed - HTTP status client error (404 Not Found) for url (<>)
how are you publishing may I ask - using the CLI or the publisher in the Golang code? If the latter, i’d suggest using the CLI - I’m going to deprecate the Golang publisher because it is lacking a number of useful features (tagging, branches, etc.)
👍 1
I was using the publish built into the golang code.
Thanks, that'll be the problem. I can fix that problem but if still highly recommend switching to the CLI
👍 1