Hello, I'm trying to execute my test on a Ubuntu m...
# pact-go
Hello, I'm trying to execute my test on a Ubuntu machine using
pact-go@2.x.x branch
. However, the
install command fails
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pact-go -l DEBUG install
2022/04/25 10:40:43 [INFO] package libpact_ffi found
2022/04/25 10:40:43 [DEBUG] unable to determine current version of package libpact_ffi this is probably because the package is currently being installed
And the
go test
command throws a
related error;
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❯ go test ./... 
?   	…/pact-consumer-b2c-example-for-go/cmd/pactgoconsumerexample	[no test files]
?   	…/pact-consumer-b2c-example-for-go/cmd/pactgoconsumerexample/docs	[no test files]
# <http://github.com/pact-foundation/pact-go/v2/internal/native|github.com/pact-foundation/pact-go/v2/internal/native>
/usr/bin/ld: cannot find -lpact_ffi
collect2: error: ld returned 1 exit status
FAIL	…/pact-consumer-b2c-example-for-go/internal/b2b [build failed]
FAIL	…/pact-consumer-b2c-example-for-go/internal/b2c [build failed]