Hello, is it possible to set loose expectations on...
# pact-jvm
Hello, is it possible to set loose expectations on a range of status code like 2xx ? I stumbled across https://github.com/pact-foundation/pact-specification/issues/68 but it wasn't overly clear if this is possible now or not ?
This has been implemented as part of the V4 spec changes in v4.3.x. The DSL now has methods like
which will match all status codes from 200-299
Perfect that's exactly what I needed. Thank you :)
@uglyog sorry just to follow up on this, if the provider side (e.g. pact go) is stuck using v2 spec, is there anything i can do for this or am i forced to specify just one specific status code and i assume id be having to use v2 spec on consumer side (jvm) too?
No, sorry, the V2 implementations don't have anything like this
ok thanks, what about v3 spec?
No, it was added in V4
But anything that supports V3 should also have V4 support
hm ok, unfortunately the person helping me on pact go provider side is on m1 mac and having issues getting up and running with v3 spec so i think we might have to use v2 spec
thanks for the info