Hello, new to Pact. Was wondering if we can use p...
# pact-jvm
Hello, new to Pact. Was wondering if we can use pact to test pagination?
I would use 3 tests for that, one for the first page, one for the last page, and one for a middle page.
Is there a way to auto generate those content in the contract and can test each page at will, or it is over kill. (for example, testing navigating to page 25, then back to page 23 and verify the content for page 23 is the same). Thanks
I wouldn't test every page, it is not worth it.
ah .. thanks for the idea
also, Pact isn't targeting behaviour (i.e. navigation between pages), use it for testing that the API responds with the correct page when it's requested. Page 23 shouldn't affect page 25 😎
☝️ 1
Thanks 😃