I'm having trouble with the bi-direction coding ka...
# general
I'm having trouble with the bi-direction coding kata..
Step5 - npm run deploy
No environment found with name 'production'. Available options: <none found>
Hi @Matthew Churcher, Have you just created a Pactflow broker, or have you had one a while? You can create environments via the Pactflow UI https://docs.pactflow.io/docs/user-interface/settings/environments/ I saw a similar issue with an Broker instance I have owned for many years now, when I first came to run the workshops. noted here in an issue.
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I don't appear to be able to create environments via the ui or api.. may be that's the problem 🤔 API returns environment already exists but they don't ... 🙀
i think it's permissions, i signed in using sso and ended up with fewer rights
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Sounds like it Matthew. I'll make a note to update the docs for minimum role/permissions
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Thanks, I did successfully complete the workshop. I left a couple of snags in github but overall the tutorial was very good.
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Awesome, thanks!