Good communities are places where people :heart: t...
# general
Good communities are places where people ❤️ to be. I'm committed to making our Pact community, the go to place for all things contract-testing but also for people to get to know each, connect, meet, share experiences and become life-long friends. So I looking to the OSS space, and have been introduced to Orbit What is Orbit and why am I investigating it? As a Developer Advocate / Community Shepherd, I know that we have a huge amount of GitHub repositories and hold a huge amount of weight on our shoulders, to ensure that people can use Pact day-in day-out to protect their deployments. It's a hard job to keep track of. I'd love track our GitHub repo usage, health, and cross-correlate with Slack, so we can reach the right people quicker, and ultimately save leaving you hanging. I'd also love to build some tooling myself, but why reinvent the wheel, there is already plenty of stuff to do in Pact land! So why Orbit? I'll let them explain in their own words The picture added, came from their open-source repo Additionally, I am looking at taking our evergreen Slack which is stored here 👉 and automating the current manual process and making it look a bit prettier. A little teaser here 👉🏻 In order to facilitate this, I will need to • Remove 2 Slack integrations ◦ 1 to allow Orbit to be added ◦ 1 to allow for Pact Slack Archiver to be added • Add Orbit to each public channel 📝 - Both integrations will read publicly available data, but will NOT be provided permissions to read private channels or DM's. We respect open-ness of conversation, as it is in the spirit of both Pact's core mission, and open-source, but we equally respect the right to privacy. 📈 - For visibility, we will publish the results in our regular community updates that will happening in the future, alongside what is happening in the Pact foundation and the wider-community.
🚀 1
🌌 1
Orbit looks interesting, sounds like it makes sense from a quick skim through 🙂
🌮 1
@Mike Geeves 🌮 testing the taco 🙂
😆 1
Orbit does look great. I love their writing. I think the taco experiment was …not that successful. I like the idea but it was never for something like this. If we needed to remove an integration to create some room, that would be with me.
(think that was an unrelated "what's plugged into Pact/Slack, and does it still work" 🙂)
We had simple poll, and polly, because two is better. It made me chuckle. Yo dawg, we herd you like pollin' Or keep polling, polling, polling. 🎵 They are both gone now. 🔥 We can have a round-table and work out what we want.
wait what? you just removed one?
both even
without a poll to ask first? 😂
😂 2
51% of the people I didn't ask said yes
I don't think anyone will miss it for a few days. If anyone reading this needs a snap election, just holla and we shall bring one of them right back!