Hello, just starting to mess about with contract t...
# general
Hello, just starting to mess about with contract testing, and I have an issue where a consumer has published a contract tagged with a feature branch name. When I try to verify said contract from the provider (no webhook flow set up yet), I can't seem get any verification of said feature branch to take place. I've tried using
with a date well into the past but nothing. Am I totally misunderstanding how this is supposed to work?
👋 Could you please provide • which client language and version ◦ which tags/branches/command are you using to publish • which provider language and version ◦ which filters are you using to pull down • which pact file specification version
Note tags have been superseded by branches https://docs.pact.io/pact_broker/tags rational here
I'll do my best to provide the information you asked for, I've put in some placeholders. Client language: PHP, version: 7.1.1 Branch being published:
Command being used to publish contract:
docker run --rm pactfoundation/pact-cli:latest publish ./pact --consumer-app-version 11.16.116-80952e64 --branch dev-3808 --broker-base-url <broker base URL here>
(the above runs fine, shows up in the UI with the correct values) Provider language: Go, although I'm using
, version 1.36.1, at the moment Verification command:
pact-provider-verifier --broker-base-url=<broker base url here> --provider-base-url=<http://localhost:8000> --provider=<provider name here> --enable-pending --include-wip-pacts-since=2022-05-01 --provider-app-version=1.1.6 --provider-version-branch=master --consumer-version-selector='{"tag":"master","latest":true}'
Pact file specification version: 2 (the above only verifies
for its consumer while I would've hoped it'd verify the
branch mentioned earlier)
I think you want to use branch in your
for co-ordinated development
--consumer-version-selector='{ "branch": "<branch>", "fallbackBranch": "master" }'
I don’t think you can use
, as you aren’t tagging in your consumer, you are using
which is excellent 👼
`tag`: the tag name(s) of the consumer versions to get the pacts for. This field is still supported but it is recommended to use the
in preference now.
`latest`: true. Used in conjuction with the
property. If a
is specified, and
, then the latest pact for each of the consumers with that tag will be returned. If a
is specified and the latest flag is not set to
, all the pacts with the specified tag will be returned. (This might seem a bit weird, but it’s done this way to match the syntax used for the matrix query params. See https://docs.pact.io/selectors).
I may be totally wrong tho, so happy to be corrected 🙂
--consumer-version-selector='{ "branch": "<branch>", "fallbackBranch": "master" }'
I thought the point of WIP pacts was to not have to manually specify what consumer feature branches to verify. Am I incorrect in thinking that?
Just to be clear: I'm trying to verify a feature branch contract from the provider master. Which might very well be the wrong way of going about things, I'm still very new to all this.
I’m not 100% clear on pending pact vs work in progress pacts, especially with the move from tags -> branches at the moment, so I will do some reading, get some clarity and get back to you. just for my own clarity, have you got a verified pact between your consumer and provider on the master branches, and these are deployed to an environment? you now are introducing a change on a consumer branch, which you are trying to verify against the providers master build. Which version of the broker are you using? Pactflow or OSS 2.60.0+ Thanks for the questions though, you are in the right place and welcome to the contract testing journey
just for clarity, have you got a verified pact between your consumer and provider on the master branches, and these are deployed to an environment?
you now are introducing a change on a consumer branch, which you are trying to verify against the providers master build.
Which version of the broker are you using? Pactflow or OSS 2.60.0+
The help is appreciated, by the way 🙂 Contract testing seems like a potential cure for a lot of problems I've had over the years.
So I’ve just tested this out, Using this on the consumer side (publishing with branch) • https://github.com/pactflow/example-consumer/blob/3fb6acb42274a29e0f17d3913cf567aa37a73b1d/Makefile#L40 • Updating to use
@"${PACT_CLI}" publish ${PWD}/pacts --consumer-app-version ${GIT_COMMIT} --branch ${GIT_BRANCH}
leads to not finding anything on the provider side, when specifying
. • https://github.com/pactflow/example-provider/blob/master/src/product/product.pact.test.js#L34
consumerVersionSelectors: [{ tag: 'master', latest: true }, { deployed: true } ]
If both the consumer and provider use
everything matches up, or if they both use
they match up. If I then publish a failing consumer pact on a branch, it won’t be validated until I enable the WIP Pacts feature
Copy code
enablePending: true,
      includeWipPactsSince: "2022-05-01",
So, after enabling
, that feature branch contract gets verified for you? How odd, I can't see anything you've suggested that is different to what I've done, and yet, it does not work for me 😞
I can see you are publishing with
but verifying with
Before publish contract:
docker run --rm pactfoundation/pact-cli:latest publish ./pact --consumer-app-version 11.16.116-80952e64 --branch dev-3808 --broker-base-url <broker base URL here>
Verification command:
pact-provider-verifier --broker-base-url=<broker base url here> --provider-base-url=<http://localhost:8000> --provider=<provider name here> --enable-pending --include-wip-pacts-since=2022-05-01 --provider-app-version=1.1.6 --provider-version-branch=master --consumer-version-selector='{"tag":"master","latest":true}'
After using only
publish contract:
docker run --rm pactfoundation/pact-cli:latest publish ./pact --consumer-app-version 11.16.116-80952e64 --branch dev-3808 --broker-base-url <broker base URL here>
Verification command:
pact-provider-verifier --broker-base-url=<broker base url here> --provider-base-url=<http://localhost:8000> --provider=<provider name here> --enable-pending --include-wip-pacts-since=2022-05-01 --provider-app-version=1.1.6 --provider-version-branch=master --consumer-version-selector='{"branch":"master","latest":true}'
using only
publish contract:
docker run --rm pactfoundation/pact-cli:latest publish ./pact --consumer-app-version 11.16.116-80952e64 --tag dev-3808 --broker-base-url <broker base URL here>
Verification command:
pact-provider-verifier --broker-base-url=<broker base url here> --provider-base-url=<http://localhost:8000> --provider=<provider name here> --enable-pending --include-wip-pacts-since=2022-05-01 --provider-app-version=1.1.6 --provider-version-branch=master --consumer-version-selector='{"tag":"master","latest":true}'
I tried it with
in both places just now, too, there is no difference for me.
DEBUG: The pact at <pact url here> is being verified because the pact content belongs to the consumer version matching the following criterion:
* latest version from branch 'master' (<latest version in master here>)
Is the only output regarding branches I get for that consumer.
But since it works for you I imagine I've messed something up, unfortunately I have no clue what that'd be.
🤔 hmm yeah not entirely sure there buddy. I’ve just taken the two canonical examples https://github.com/pactflow/example-consumer https://github.com/pactflow/example-provider (this is JS but we do have a Go version https://docs.pactflow.io/docs/examples/golang/provider/) This is the output after switching on the WIP feature, otherwise it wouldn’t find the branch. If you could create a sample GH repo, we could take a look at some point, or if you want to start with those two repos and have a go, you can just fork them, set your env vars and run
make fake_ci
to easily run it from your machine and cross compare.
Copy code
  "_embedded": {
    "pacts": [
        "shortDescription": "latest from branch master",
        "verificationProperties": {
          "pending": false,
          "notices": [
              "when": "before_verification",
              "text": "The pact at <https://saf.pactflow.io/pacts/provider/pactflow-example-provider/consumer/pactflow-example-consumer/pact-version/4a6c2017e4f913c5b18ee0b526eae842567bf489> is being verified because the pact content belongs to the consumer version matching the following criterion:\n    * latest version from branch 'master' (ac94418+1653314421)"
              "when": "before_verification",
              "text": "This pact has previously been successfully verified by a version of pactflow-example-provider with tag 'master'. If this verification fails, it will fail the build. Read more at <https://docs.pact.io/go/pending>"
        "_links": {
          "self": {
            "href": "<https://saf.pactflow.io/pacts/provider/pactflow-example-provider/consumer/pactflow-example-consumer/pact-version/4a6c2017e4f913c5b18ee0b526eae842567bf489/metadata/c1tdW2JdPW1hc3RlciZzW11bbF09dHJ1ZSZzW11bY3ZdPTM5JnA9ZmFsc2U>",
            "name": "Pact between pactflow-example-consumer (ac94418+1653314421) and pactflow-example-provider"
        "shortDescription": "latest from branch wip_pact",
        "verificationProperties": {
          "pending": true,
          "wip": true,
          "notices": [
              "when": "before_verification",
              "text": "The pact at <https://saf.pactflow.io/pacts/provider/pactflow-example-provider/consumer/pactflow-example-consumer/pact-version/b4d89ebc01885acfd726f527182ca47f8abc712c/metadata/d2lwPXRydWU> is being verified because it is a 'work in progress' pact (ie. it is the pact for the latest version of pactflow-example-consumer from branch 'wip_pact' and is still in pending state). Read more at <https://docs.pact.io/go/wip>"
              "when": "before_verification",
              "text": "This pact is in pending state for this version of pactflow-example-provider because a successful verification result for a version of pactflow-example-provider with tag 'master' has not yet been published. If this verification fails, it will not cause the overall build to fail. Read more at <https://docs.pact.io/go/pending>"
              "when": "after_verification:success_true_published_false",
              "text": "This pact is still in pending state for any version of pactflow-example-provider with tag 'master' as the successful verification results with this tag have not yet been published."
              "when": "after_verification:success_false_published_false",
              "text": "This pact is still in pending state for any version of pactflow-example-provider with tag 'master' as a successful verification result with this tag has not yet been published"
              "when": "after_verification:success_true_published_true",
              "text": "This pact is no longer in pending state for any version of pactflow-example-provider with tag 'master', as a successful verification result with this tag has been published. If a verification for a version of pactflow-example-provider with this tag fails in the future, it will fail the build. Read more at <https://docs.pact.io/go/pending>"
              "when": "after_verification:success_false_published_true",
              "text": "This pact is still in pending state for any version of pactflow-example-provider with tag 'master' as a successful verification result with this tag has not yet been published"
        "_links": {
          "self": {
            "href": "<https://saf.pactflow.io/pacts/provider/pactflow-example-provider/consumer/pactflow-example-consumer/pact-version/b4d89ebc01885acfd726f527182ca47f8abc712c/metadata/dz10cnVl>",
            "name": "Pact between pactflow-example-consumer (520ecb6+1653314859) and pactflow-example-provider"
  "_links": {
    "self": {
      "href": "<https://saf.pactflow.io/pacts/provider/pactflow-example-provider/for-verification>",
      "title": "Pacts to be verified"
You can simulate workflows using this so you don't have to actually write and verify the pacts. it's much quicker https://github.com/pact-foundation/pact_broker/blob/master/ISSUES.md
I thought I'd made the branches and tags play together nicely for WIP and pending, but it's possible that I've missed something.
definitely use branches if you have the option.
I've made a script that you can play around with here https://github.com/pact-foundation/pact_broker/blob/master/script/data/wip.rb
chefkiss 1
This ☝️ is excellent Beth 👏
Hiya, sorry for taking so long getting back to you. Somehow my issues disappeared the day after I initially wrote here, and frustratingly, I have no idea why. Started seeing expected behavior with WIP pacts being considered and all that.