Hey! Can anyone tell me if there is a way using th...
# general
Hey! Can anyone tell me if there is a way using the pact-broker CLI to retrieve information about providers and consumers given a pacticipant?
What information do you need? If not the CLI the API will have it. Issue a request to `/`and then follow the HAL relations to the different resources
I was going to try and use the pact broker to get the providers associated with a given pacticipant, and the provider versions of those providers which are associated with a given environment, so I could programmatically kick off those verifications. I thought it might be easier to do that than to figure out how to set up a
webhook, at least for my first pass on the solution, but after messing with it for a bit, I figured the webhook wouldn't be that hard to set up so I'm just going to end up going with that after all.
Good tip about the HAL API though, I'll keep that in mind if I need to query the pact broker in the future