Hello, hoping someone can help me with `record-dep...
# general
Hello, hoping someone can help me with
please... When I
into an environment, should the
be the same git commit sha for each environment I deploy to? Reason I ask is because I had a command like this
Copy code
docker run pactfoundation/pact-cli:latest pact-broker record-release --pacticipant DojoPayConsumerApp \
--environment production \
--broker-base-url $PACT_BROKER_BASE_URL \
in CI for deployments and releases, where the
version would be different for each deployment. On the
I was getting failures as it could not find the version it was looking up, would love some clarification on this please, thanks 🙂
I'm also a bit of a pact newbie, but I think you should be re-using the same version for every environment. When you cut a release of your service in git (whether you use tags or release branches), there should be one commit sha representing the release-tagged commit or the latest commit on the release branch. In either case, that is the commit sha you want to use as your version in pact because that value won't change as you deploy your service to different environments.
Maybe you can clarify why your
was different for each environment? Because that seems non-typical.
Thanks, this is what I’m thinking I need to switch to and where I made a mistake.
was different for each environment probably based on our git flow and how Bitrise works. That env var is provided by Bitrise and auto grabs the commit sha. When I make a PR, that will be one commit sha, when the job is triggered to merge that into develop branch, that’s another commit sha etc etc. I’m guessing what I need to do is make sha consistent across all record deployments and releases, but would love some confirmation, if maybe @Matt (pactflow.io / pact-js / pact-go) knows please?
Oh, your commit sha is always going to be different between your PR branch and your develop branch, because when you merge, the merge commit itself will be your latest commit, and that will have a different sha. What I did in this situation was to simply (on the consumer side) re-generate and publish the contract after merging, and (on the provider side) re-run the verification after merging so that the latest commit sha is included and verified in the pact broker
right but then on that pr merge i do one
then later down the line might do other
to other environments, should the sha be the same for all those
I'd guess that when you call
you should always use the actual commit sha that you deployed, or else the
feature won't really work as intended.
So if they're actually different, then they all need to be uploaded to the pact broker and verified. And if they're not actually different, find out why bitrise seems to think they are. 🤷‍♂️
hm, so the main issue I have is by the time I get to
its trying to use a git sha version it cannot find, e.g. another different sha
all my deployments have different shas / versions
Right, the error you're getting looks like the pact broker has never seen that sha before
So you just need to make sure it has seen that sha before you call
correct, so im wondering does it need to be the latest version / sha from a specific tag/environment for
i guess via curl or something?
if your pacticipant is a consumer, make sure you upload its contract file with that sha as a version number before you call
yep i do 👍
ah sorry i do for deployments
release process is a bit weird/different
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and if your pacticipant is a provider, make sure you verify it with that same sha
Im on consumer side, I’m thinking for
I probably need to grab the sha/version for the latest consumer version with the
tag/environment (which is the last environment before
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so to address your question specifically:
does it need to be the latest version / sha from a specific tag/environment
I'd say no, it doesn't need to be the latest, but it sounds like it does need to be a version that the pact broker has seen before
No, I don't think you want to do that
Like I was saying before, I think it's important to make sure that you are using the actual git sha of the commit you're deploying
don't make try to calculate or make assumptions about your git sha, just use the actual one your deploy tool is providing you, or else
may not work correctly
hm i get what ur saying, i will dig into whats going on some more and come back on this issue, thanks
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Maybe the real pact folk can give you more ideas too. As I said, I'm just a newbie myself. But I think they are all on European time, so you probably won't hear back from them for a bit. Hopefully I could help get you unblocked in the meantime 🙂
im uk based, think they are on australian time
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Ah, that sounds right
alright ive spotted the issue. in our job that records the release (
) we dont run any unit tests etc thus the
never happens so it cant find it 🙃
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thanks for your help and talking it through
🌮 for @json - thanks for your help!
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@Thomas K This is one of the reasons it's a good idea to have completely repeatable version numbers for a given commit - that way it doesn't matter if the contract isn't published as part of your release, because the pre-release pipelines have already done it
@Timothy Jones thanks, i guess this was partly a question i had, do i run pact tests and
in my release pipeline and the just auto grab the commit sha for that? Or do i instead grab the commit sha from my pre-release pipeline and use that when recording a release in my release pipeline?
Why are they different?
Also, a subtlety that I didn't realise at first- the pact file is what is verified- so if you publish a new “version”, but the same contract (which has previously been verified), then it will immediately be verified
This means that if your pre-release and release pipelines have different versions, you can still use the workflow you describe
they are different because they are different jobs
Also, this whole situation was the motivation behind this:
(Why is the job affecting your version number? 🤔 )
If you have repeatable builds, then all you need is the version control system to decide what version you have
(i use commit sha, it auto grabbed from bitrise ci, so it changes for each job i think)
Commit sha will be the same unless your jobs are committing stuff
so we use git flow rather than trunk based dev on consumer side, so when we trigger a pr merge into a release branch or something, the sha changes
Yeah, that bit makes sense, the merge commit itself is a commit and will have a new sha, so I think you just need to be uploading the contract or running the verification more often. In my pipeline, since we're doing trunk-based development, we upload the new contract file for both the PR branch and the master branch. In your case since you're doing gitflow, you'll want to upload a new contract file even more often than that. Essentially any branch that will have unique commits on it, including: • Your feature branches • Your develop branch (because of the merge commits) • Your release branches (probably, though in theory you might not, since creating a branch doesn't create a new commit sha, in practice you will generally need to merge bug fixes into your release branch, and as mentioned above, merge commits create a unique sha) • Your master branch (again because of merge commits, but it would also probably be useful to tag these pacts with the master version numbers) • Your hotfix branches (like feature branches, you probably want to verify contracts before you allow merges, but since it's a hotfix, you may want to build in a way to override for emergencies)
thanks, we actually do seem to use unique commits this often, except for this specific case where we merge into master after a release is published
that helps too on provider side though as they use trunk based dev so will need to help with that once i have all this consumer side correct 🙂
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