aww sad news about cirrus ci and free runner use ...
# maintainers
aww sad news about cirrus ci and free runner use
This was Pact foundations usage (most of it is probably due to lack of limits on the tasks)
This is my own, I’ve got a paid for plan as well for private/persona repos at 10 dollars a month.
Maybe we should use our $$ to pay for the service? We get value from it.
yeah i think so. you can get it hooked up with github actions and use a self hosted runner. i wonder if it’s just cheaper to buy a couple of mac minis and use them as private self hosted runners. but for now might just be worth paying something just for ease, (you can use cirrus-cli in gh actions so we can still retain the .cirrus.yml files we have today, and it still means people can use the tool locally to recreate the ci runs)
How much is it? We have lots in the kitty, and I’d be happy to commit some $$ to paying for them until GH actions supports ARM/Mac etc. properly (if it’s not drastically expensive)
They are already providing a lot of value
I shall get a tracking issue, can look at last months use, and then ascertain indicative cost and alternatives
Time is our most precious resource, so I’d rather us spend our time on the things the community most needs (e.g. Python, .NET upgraded to V4/Plugins, bugs squashed, documentation made betterer).
agreed 110%
hmmm so that would be $117 for Mac credits + $15 for Linux = $132 /mth 👀
…If I understand this properly:
Hah I am trying to make sense of that. I think that is correct. 1 compute is 1 dollar, macos is 5 times more expensive