I've been trying it to see if it'd achieve what I'...
# dependency-management
I've been trying it to see if it'd achieve what I'm looking at doing in the above post ☝️ with
for a resolutionStrategy. https://docs.gradle.org/current/userguide/resolution_strategy_tuning.html I tried in a sample project but couldn't figure out how to create a scenario where it showed value. Not quite sure what
does? Any ideas?
"changing versions" means
, I think it's possible for other ones to be "changing" but that's the only example I know of.
basically, if you have
will cause an error
Thanks for the clarity @Octavia Togami! That's unexpected, but makes sense.
Okay, I added a
dependency and now see (screenshot). Which confirms what you said.
Is there a verify task or something I can run that will fail? This
task succeeds, even though it says "FAILURE" when trying to resolve.
that is intentional, as the dependencies task wouldn't be able to print its output otherwise. you can make your own task to resolve all configurations if you want, but I don't think there's anything built-in. I usually use
or even just
as my "cheap" task to do resolution, as if the resolution fails it's the same as if you made a dedicated task.
That's the thing, that
succeeds fine, even with this. But... I am not relying on any classes from that module.
Okay, thank you for your answers! I think that means the the plugin I have made has a real purpose! Which is good since I spent a week on it.