Hi all, building a fairly basic ingestion for SAP ...
# ingestion
Hi all, building a fairly basic ingestion for SAP ASE via runnig kubernetis cluster deployed via your helm charts. Ingestion is defined as follows: source: type: sqlalchemy config: connect_uri: 'sybase+pyodbc://foo:bar@myHost:1234/myDb' env: Dev platform: sybase sink: type: datahub-rest config: server: 'http://myURL.com' It fails and after looking through the log it appears that the real culprit is: 'File "/tmp/datahub/ingest/venv-3201b12c-7e85-4b18-8ae4-3b06d010a49a/lib/python3.9/site-packages/sqlalchemy/engine/strategies.py", line ' '87, in create\n' ' dbapi = dialect_cls.dbapi(**dbapi_args)\n' 'File "/tmp/datahub/ingest/venv-3201b12c-7e85-4b18-8ae4-3b06d010a49a/lib/python3.9/site-packages/sqlalchemy/connectors/pyodbc.py", line ' '38, in dbapi\n' ' return __import__("pyodbc")\n' '\n' "ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'pyodbc'\n" '[2022-06-15 215749,604] INFO {datahub.entrypoints:176} - DataHub CLI version: 0.8.36 at ' How do i run eqivalent of pip install for a given pod?
Hi Dima! are you using UI-based ingestion here?
Hi Chris, yes i am
I think you might be in a similar situation as john D here https://datahubspace.slack.com/archives/CUMUWQU66/p1655219842344509
Agreed, indeed looks the same. Guess the only way to get this sorted out is to contribute to a new docker build and hopes that it'll make to a registry, right?
Okay, the solution was to use cli. once done, all is working exactly as expecting
okay that's great! sorry I didn't see your message above until now, but glad things are working