Hello All, There discrepancy causing counts to dif...
# getting-started
Hello All, There discrepancy causing counts to differ for tables and DBs on MDH home page between datasets and platforms. how to identify what cause the difference ?
hi Geetha! could you post a little more info about this issue here? on datahub's home page you're seeing numbers not add up between things that should? screenshots are also welcome
Hello Chris Collins, yes in the homepage
under Explore your Metadata Dataset as 48.2K under Platforms oracle as 24.8K,Greenplum as 24.6k Sqlserver as 1.1k so the dataset entities count and platform counts are not matching
ahh interesting. We've actually heard this before quite recently as well. Would you mind opening up a github issue here for this so we can ensure we have time to explore where these discrepancies are coming from? just know it's on our radar! I don't want to post any guesses I might have without digging further.
thanks for your reponse Chris Collins, Sure will open the github issue.
thank you!
created the github issue A short description of the bug #5172
Most likely it’s because of Containers (databases, schemas) which are not accounted for in Datasets.
I don’t think this is a bug
Hello John Joyce, thanks for the input , can you please elaborate in details . Thank you.
Hello John Joyce,
as per your suggestion i have checked the counts for the Dataset and Platforms and got the difference, the difference is matching with the container counts , so the analysis is correct?
Prod Dataset Count Oracle 64376 Greenplum 13260 MSSQL 8490 total 86126
Platform Count Oracle Greenplum MSSQL Dataset 64376 13260 8490 Container 3455 181 336 Total 67831 13441 8826
Platform Count Oracle Greenplum MSSQL Dataset 64376 13260 8490 Container 3455 181 336 Total 67831 13441 8826 Grand Total : 90098 Difference: 3972 Container total= 3972
there we go that makes sense!
thanks so much for looking into this Geetha
@busy-analyst-8258 Trying to follow the above - are you saying that the total does not add up or does?
Data set count matches with Platform count if we remove the containers from platform..
@big-carpet-38439 is this an intended behavior? If yes, do we want to clarify this in the UI and docs somewhere? This will create confusion for the users otherwise..