Hello team, I am using the version 0.8.36 of Datah...
# troubleshoot
Hello team, I am using the version 0.8.36 of Datahub, and i am having a problem with analytics .... I had this error after a fresh installation, and even after ingesting my metadata to Datahub. It started form the begging, and this are my gms logs, any suggesting please.....
Hi there! is this the full stack trace or is there anything more to it? just want to get a full picture before drilling in
There is this log before
I found a thread that may be rather relevant for you! right here: https://datahubspace.slack.com/archives/C029A3M079U/p1654114960736859
my bet is that your indices have gotten in a bad state. what you may want to do is restore them by following this https://datahubproject.io/docs/how/restore-indices/
but I would also dig in to that thread above as it may be helpful. if not, I'm here to keep it rolling!
thank you 1
yes i tested the command .
/docker/datahub-upgrade/datahub-upgrade.sh -u RestoreIndices
but i got error in the bash .... and i couldn't read it ... the bash apear and close so fast
can you get the logs from your gms pod?
i first stop gms from running ......... then i delete the indexe using that command but i couldn't know if it works .... and the i rerun the elasticsearch-setup ..and then strart gms again ...... i will recheck the logs now
cool i would alse check your elasticsearch logs
i still got error in logs
but i got error while using this command too
/docker/datahub-upgrade/datahub-upgrade.sh -u RestoreIndices
yeah it looks like your indices are still out of whack (why the search query failed)
can you post the error when you run that command?
that's the error
is that normal that the new container has been created outside the folder that contain the other containers ?