Hi, all. I want validate my dataframe by Great Exp...
# getting-started
Hi, all. I want validate my dataframe by Great Expectations in the memory mode. when I get GE result and want send it to my Datahub by
api. I get the warnig:
Copy code
DataHubValidationAction does not recognize this GE data asset type - <class 'great_expectations.validator.validator.Validator'>.                         This is either using v2-api or execution engine other than sqlalchemy.
What is the right way to use it? Or can I format the GE result and send to Datahub bypass the api?
Hi @handsome-stone-44066 can you please help understand what you mean by in-memory mode? Also fyi, https://datahubspace.slack.com/archives/C029A3M079U/p1650971769110179?thread_ts=1650894922.671769&amp;cid=C029A3M079U
Hi @hundreds-photographer-13496, thank you for reply.
Hi @Liu Hao can you please help understand what you mean by in-memory mode?
Great Expectations has four steps. In “step 2 Connect to data” has a mode “in memory”. https://docs.greatexpectations.io/docs/guides/connecting_to_your_data/connect_to_data_overview I use SparkDFExecutionEngine, it seems datahub api not support this, so I plan to use Python Emitter and format GE result to testResult.