Hi, Any pointers on deploying DataHub with High A...
# all-things-deployment
Hi, Any pointers on deploying DataHub with High Availability. Please share steps if available or someone has done that. Thanks in advance.
Hi Pavan! Have you seen this deployment guide? https://datahubproject.io/docs/deploy/kubernetes/
Hi Maggie, yes I checked that, I don't see any reference to High Availability deployment. So, would like to know if there is any documentation on that. Thanks
Hi Pavan! What exactly are your requirements for "High Availability"? Typically this is covered by actual deployment practices which is a bit hard to recommend from the OSS side as we don't have insights into your actual deployment. Deploying with Kubernetes allows you to have a highly available deployment by avoiding downtime when rolling out upgrades and having crash failover. We also have docs that describe how to deploy to cloud services that cover possible sources of downtime like hardware failures etc. https://datahubproject.io/docs/deploy/aws https://datahubproject.io/docs/deploy/gcp
Thanks @orange-night-91387, @little-megabyte-1074. Can you also point me to some documentation on performance and scalability metrics. These will help in effective comparison. Thanks a lot!