<!channel> Happy Friday, DataHub Community!! :loo...
# announcements
<!channel> Happy Friday, DataHub Community!! lookaround DataHub v0.8.38 is LIVE! v0.8.38 is a fast-follow bug fix to v0.8.37; please upgrade if you are on v0.8.37. Here’s what you can expect in this version: • NEW! Create and Invite Users to DataHub via the UI - Find this under Users & Groups > Invite DataHub users. Admins can generate password reset links for their users. • NEW – Create & Revoke Access Tokens via the UI - Find this under Settings > Developer. This replaces the previous stateless tokens UI. • Link Glossary Terms to one another via the UI - You can now link Glossary Terms from the UI with the following relationships: ◦ Contains - relate Terms when one is a superset of another, eg. Address contains Zip Code ◦ Inherits - relate Terms with one is a subtype of another, eg. Email inherits PII • UI Navigation Updates - We have made some changes to navigating the UI: ◦ The “Manage” tab is now called “Govern” ◦ “Users & Groups” is now found via Settings > Access ◦ “Policies” is now found via Settings > Access > Privileges 🦠 We are so grateful for our repeat contributors! Let’s show them some love: @echoing-airport-49548 @strong-engineer-23656 @square-activity-64562 @millions-waiter-49836 @bulky-soccer-26729 @early-lamp-41924 @modern-monitor-81461 @shy-scooter-37097 @green-football-43791 @big-carpet-38439 @bumpy-activity-74405 @astonishing-yak-92682 @hundreds-photographer-13496 @careful-pilot-86309 @incalculable-ocean-74010 @orange-night-91387 @average-france-59117 @mammoth-bear-12532 @dazzling-judge-80093 -- But wait! There’s more! excited We’re THRILLED to share our latest round of Humans of DataHub! @proud-lunch-11588 and I sat down with @boundless-student-48844 - he shared how DataHub is the secret weapon that’s driving Grab’s adoption of Data Mesh principles, his love for the DataHub Community, and more. I promise you won’t want to miss this one - check out the conversation here! Want to nominate someone to be featured in Humans of DataHub? Send me a DM!
🎉 2
👏 1
❤️ 17
Wow, can't wait to try out the inheritance through the UI, just what people at our company have been asking us about!
teamwork 4