Hello Team, When i am trying to access the analyti...
# troubleshoot
Hello Team, When i am trying to access the analytics- i am getting the below error .
Hi @astonishing-yak-92682 thank you for reporting! I think this must be related to a super high volume of data in elastic being queried for these stats. Kudos on getting to an awesome scale! @early-lamp-41924 I know we've encountered this before -- let's think about how we can tune to get this unblocked
Ok. so this means that elasticsearch-setup-job did not run properly. Are you using AWS Opensearch by any chance?
If you get the list of indices on elasticsearch, do you see “datahub_usage_event” index?
Thanks @big-carpet-38439 and @early-lamp-41924 I followed https://datahubspace.slack.com/archives/C029A3M079U/p1650055547733169?thread_ts=1650054655.094699&cid=C029A3M079U mentioned step, and it fixed the issue