hi guys, did anyone notice a somewhat erratic beha...
# ui
hi guys, did anyone notice a somewhat erratic behaviour of glossary term documentation markdown editor. when working inside the editor (writing and editing text of the definition) after a while cursor keeps jumping to the end of the text pretty frequently (we're on version 0.8.36). i didn't notice this before the upgrade containin glossary UI improvements, although we haven't been using it too much before. tried in chrome and edge, on two different laptops, same behaviour
Hi @few-receptionist-67008! Thank you for reporting this. We will look into this ASAP to see if we can reproduce. cc @bulky-soccer-26729
👍 1
One more tip in trying to reproduce : it seems it starts to behave in described way when taking a pause between keystrokes of at least 10-15 seconds
nice! thanks for the tip
hi, @big-carpet-38439, @bulky-soccer-26729! Any luck in reproducing this behaviour ?
i am indeed seeing some funky behavior here and there (I noticed the cursor jump to the end as well) however I'm having a hard time reproducing it reliably. I tried the wait time 10-15 seconds between key strokes as you suggested above but it's not working out for me so far.. do you have any more info on reproducing this? that would be a huge help! or if you have a screen recording or something too
@big-carpet-38439 @bulky-soccer-26729 hi guys, here is the recording of a very simple case that is reproducible on our instance. Currently we are on 0.8.38, same behavior is spotted on 0.8.36 as well. Pay attention to the text being written inside of the editor to follow a storyline
wow this is so helpful thank you so much! I'll make sure we tackle this in our round of UI clean ups soon.
👍 1
sure, my pleasure ! looking forward to the clean ups!
hi, chris ... have you guys manage to work on this issue yet? is there any timeline in sight? we're now on 0.8.39. unfortunately we are not comfortable rolling it out in our org with this issue in place. fingers crossed you'll be able to work it out soon. keep up the good work!
hey Nenad! I know we put out one fix for some weirdness in the documentation where it was only selectable in a very small area. I haven't had a chance to fully dig in and see why this issue that you're seeing specifically is occurring yet. However I do have it on my list of items to work on for UI updates! I don't have a specific timeline but I'm going to move this up on my priorities in order to help you out as soon as I can. but you're still seeing the same issue as before on 0.8.39?
Yeah, we're seeing the same issue in 0.8.39. i've also tried on you cloud datahub instance and the behaviour is the same. it might seem that the more text you have inside the more frequent are the cursor jumps. currently we thought about having a template text for each of our definitions with formula block etc. and this almost impossible to work with it. Especially when you begin to delete some characters, use backspace, etc ... Honestly i'm wondering how nobody else reported it. You can have a look here : https://demo.datahubproject.io/glossaryTerm/urn:li:glossaryTerm:ac76167a-5cbe-4d8f-9ed3-57d8cb9b8ac2/Documentation?is_lineage_mode=false You might be interested also in a template as a way we are planning to approach the structuring of the documentation text 🙂
okay thanks so much for the update. we have this on our list of things to investigate but the fact that you're still seeing this means we'll want to raise this in priority for sure. also yes I'm very interested in the template idea you're talking about! how are you all planning on moving forward with that? different types of templates for different types of assets? and where are you getting these templates (or are you making them yourself)?
sorry for the delayed answer .... the templates are something we are making ourselves in hope to streamline our users in order to write a more complete/uniform documentation entries. at least this is the idea. currently we are thinking only about glossary term templates (probably one base template and one more specialiased for terms representing metrics). for example, one thing we want to include in a template is a placeholder to write a synonym - we can't have it as a custom property since UI for custom properties is not available, and even it were available, currently it seems we can't search search across custom properties using global search withuot some additional elastic query filter syntax, which we want to avoid for our end users. i really hope you'll be able to investigate the cursor behaviour soon, since this turned out to be a major usability/adoption blocker, at the moment. good luck and please keep me in touch if any findings/solutions appear.
Hey @few-receptionist-67008! so sorry this took so long to get to, but i finally figured out the issue here.. it was a nasty one for sure lol but I have a PR up for the fix! it's going to get merged asap and then the fix will be on head for you to pull 🙂 here's the PR if you're curious: https://github.com/datahub-project/datahub/pull/5411
thank you 2
Great, Chris! We deployed it to test immediately and it works just as expected! This is a really important fix! And i can see it was a nasty one to figure out! Good job!
teamwork 3
wonderful I'm glad this helped you guys out! thanks so much for calling this to our attention, otherwise who knows how long it would've lingered and frustrated users
🥳 1
Just a quick note that this was bugging us too. I thought to myself: the DataHub people are so awesome they're gonna release a fix for this before I even go and ask about it. And you did! 🙂 Well done!!
Glad to hear it Dan! 🙂 huge shoutout to Nenad for calling this to our attention and helping us pin it down though. This is where a great community makes everything better!