Hello, I wanted to ask quick question regarding d...
# troubleshoot
Hello, I wanted to ask quick question regarding datahub setup. If I run the datahub on a server, and in order to connect to this server I need a proxy, does datahub require any proxy setting as well? I'm asking because I randomly receive 504 error: RetryError: HTTPConnectionPool(host='<my_proxy_address>', port=8080): Max retries exceeded with url: http//&lt;server ip&gt;8080/config (Caused by ResponseError('too many 504 error responses')) Could this 504 be connected to lack of proxies set somehwere in some datahub docker file? For ingestion we use CLI "datahub ingest -c <yml file>" where our source is S3. The ingestion command is ran from within docker container, which is set on the same server where datahub is running.
Sorry about the late reply. If you have already exposed (added proxy for) frontend endpoint, then “<<domain-frontend>>/api” can be used in your recipe in the datahub sink
frontend proxies request to /api to gms