Dear Datahub experts, first again a shoutout to th...
# advice-metadata-modeling
Dear Datahub experts, first again a shoutout to the community and everyone who built this great tool! I am currently evaluating Datahub for a big german company and we now implement some use-cases. I have 2 specific questions for the metadata model: • Is it possible to create a similar tag like the “Owner” tag on Datasets for Data-Stewards without forking and building complete new code? (e.g. through metadata model extension) • What and how would the “Schema” tag in the glossary be used? Is there also a way to extent the business glossary meta-data model and UI in an easy way right now? Thank you for your help everyone!
Hi Mike! Apologies for the delay - I can address your first question
• Is it possible to create a similar tag like the “Owner” tag on Datasets for Data-Stewards without forking and building complete new code? (e.g. through metadata model extension)
So this one is interesting - we currently support specifying multiple ownership types in the PDL, but we are currently only surfacing
in the UI due to earlier feedback from the community that the additional ownership types were not widely adopted. That said, we’re hearing more & more recently that folks do want to see that detail in the UI! We have this feature request open for it; I don’t have a clear timeline of when we would pull it in, but I encourage you to upvote & subscribe for updates!
thank you 1
• What and how would the “Schema” tag in the glossary be used? Is there also a way to extent the business glossary meta-data model and UI in an easy way right now?
@mammoth-bear-12532 can you lend your thoughts on this one?
@dazzling-appointment-34954: the "schema" tag is useful if you are modeling the business glossary itself as a schema-d object (e.g. SaxoBank has modeled the Business Glossary elements as Protobuf types) and in that case a single element or term (e.g. CustomerAccount) can actually be a structure that contains multiple fields within it. So far we have not seen this sort of duality between the "technical schema language" and the "business schema language" be a very common thing, but the metamodel (and the UI) allows for it. Hopefully that clears it up. I think we will make the display of the
tab in the case of Glossary be optional and only show up when there is a Schema associated with the Glossary term to avoid this confusion for most people.
thank you 1
@little-megabyte-1074 thanks a lot for pointing to this feature request and your answer. I was reading through the request but I think my need is a little different. Usually organizations have a Data Governance model that contains Data Owners and Data Stewards. For now I can easily showcase the Data Owner through the UI but it is quite hard to give details about Data Stewards, although in everyday life these are of more importance. A common request is that a data consumer finds data in the catalog but has specific questions about it. In bigger organizations those are frequently answered by Data Stewards not Data Owners, but for now we could only add those through the documentation field I guess. Or am I missing something here? Do you have some best-practices how to showcase Data Stewardship for users that look for data?