<!channel> Hello, :tableau: + :datahub: fans!! As...
# integrate-tableau-datahub
<!channel> Hello, tableau + datahub fans!! As you may have seen in #announcements, we just released the Beta Tableau ingestion source in v0.8.26! This has been the most-requested ingestion source for a looooong time - huge shoutout to @colossal-easter-99672 for providing initial code; to @powerful-vase-22055 for the first pass; and to @big-carpet-38439 & @dazzling-judge-80093 for taking it across the finish line teamwork bowdown We are extremely eager for quick feedback while it’s all fresh in our minds so we can iterate through it quickly. If you are able to test it out within the next 1-2 weeks, please do! Let’s use this channel for feedback/discussion & we will open PRs as necessary.
🙌 4
Testing it this morning! Am getting a few errors that I'll try to get some more details on, it's related to the view/sheet config in Tableau I'm sure
the plot thickens 1
teamwork 1