Trying to ingest data off our dev tableau. Looks l...
# integrate-tableau-datahub
Trying to ingest data off our dev tableau. Looks like the ingestion is running but no data is returned.
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[ec2-user@ip-10-16-13-173 recipes]$ datahub --debug ingest -c tableau.yml
[2022-02-10 15:09:20,381] DEBUG    {datahub.cli.ingest_cli:70} - DataHub CLI version:
[2022-02-10 15:09:20,385] DEBUG    {datahub.cli.ingest_cli:76} - Using config: {'source': {'type': 'tableau', 'config': {'connect_uri': '<removed>', 'site': '1053', 'token_name': 'datahub', 'token_value': '<removed>', 'ingest_tags': True, 'ingest_owner': True}}, 'sink': {'type': 'datahub-rest', 'config': {'server': '<removed>'}}}
[2022-02-10 15:09:20,873] INFO     {tableau.endpoint.auth:37} - Signed into , <removed> as user with id a1592316-07c5-422f-9cc9-9ea5104646fa
[2022-02-10 15:09:20,873] DEBUG    {} - Source type:tableau,<class 'datahub.ingestion.source.tableau.TableauSource'> configured
[2022-02-10 15:09:20,886] DEBUG    {} - Sink type:datahub-rest,<class 'datahub.ingestion.sink.datahub_rest.DatahubRestSink'> configured
[2022-02-10 15:09:20,886] INFO     {datahub.cli.ingest_cli:86} - Starting metadata ingestion
[2022-02-10 15:09:20,886] INFO     {tableau.endpoint.metadata:61} - Querying Metadata API
[2022-02-10 15:09:21,057] INFO     {tableau.endpoint.auth:53} - Signed out
[2022-02-10 15:09:21,058] INFO     {datahub.cli.ingest_cli:88} - Finished metadata ingestion

Source (tableau) report:
{'failures': {}, 'warnings': {}, 'workunit_ids': [], 'workunits_produced': 0}
Sink (datahub-rest) report:
{'downstream_end_time': None,
 'downstream_start_time': None,
 'downstream_total_latency_in_seconds': None,
 'failures': [],
 'records_written': 0,
 'warnings': []}

Pipeline finished successfully
your config doesn't show any projects, did you add a 'projects': ['default, 'ProjectName1'] key to your config?
that is a list of top level projects to ingest
I did not but I didn't realize it was a required field
I think it is, that tells Datahub what the entrypoint into your tableau account is.
Yeah I changed it to add sites and its working now.
plus1 1