hello everyone. Just wonder if datahub only ingest...
# integrate-tableau-datahub
hello everyone. Just wonder if datahub only ingests data from tableau server so far or it also can ingest data from tableau online?
Not sure how tableau online is different, but for tableau server you need Site Admin Creator permission to read all the Metadata. If you can query the graphql api, you should be fine
Hey @orange-coat-2879, datahub can ingest data from tableau online as well. https://datahubproject.io/docs/metadata-ingestion/source_docs/tableau/
@hundreds-photographer-13496 this link seems broken, is there any doc on this? Tableau Online specifically, or is it pretty much the same process and Tableau Server
Pretty much same process as tableau server, except that you must specify `site`for tableau online. Here are few doc links that may help - 1. tableau ingestion quickstart 2. tableau ingestion reference