Do you have a Slack channel for asking conceptual ...
# feature-requests
Do you have a Slack channel for asking conceptual questions about metadata and metadata modelling? That may help because people are not used to thinking about metadata and schemas deeply. Like right now: I'm wondering why is a Relational Model not good enough to model metadata? Why the need for graph databases and such?
plus1 4
I believe it is for speed, though I too would like to understand more. There is this paper, page 8 shows how much faster graph dbs are processing.
thank you 2
@orange-flag-48535 I love this idea for a more abstract/conception discussion channel - let me think about the best way to name it so it’s clear what the focus is (want to avoid confusing people about where to post!)
I second this: I've had many questions regarding the best way to compose models. the information was often in the docs, but not well explained, or in another related doc. (Recent Docs update helped).
I’ll be announcing some new collaboration/knowledge sharing channels during Town Hall tomorrow!! 👀
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