Hi, I'm using cypress-visual-regression plugin to ...
# help
Hi, I'm using cypress-visual-regression plugin to run Visual regression tests. Even though I run below command to take baseline snapshot image, my screenshots gets saved in actual folder instead of base. Any help is much appreciated.
Hi @User , this is a community plugin so it's not officially supported by Cypress. It's also hard to tell without seeing how your plugin is configured. However I took a look at the repository README to see what I could find. I noticed you're running with npx cypress instead of ./node_modules/.bin/cypress run, so I'm not sure if that could be the issue. I also noticed you're using the --spec command while the documentation uses a testFiles config value instead. Again, hard to tell if these are the issue but those stuck out on initial review. If you continue to have issues, it may be worth creating an issue on the plugin repository for support. I hope this helps!
Thanks for these tips @User , let me check these two items.
As always you're quick to respond and guide me , thanks
Good luck! 🤞