but clicking (as a user) on the disabled button do...
# component-testing
but clicking (as a user) on the disabled button does nothing, like the no event handler fires. If it does, then the browser is broken ...
to that end, the guy training me reminded me to think of our tests as testing our component props, not that HTML actually works. Which is what you're saying I believe.
Disabled Button Click
Ughh, maybe.
"Ughh"? Have I touched on something?
Also if you think I should roll through some tutorials more or read some more of your blogs I'm more than happy to. Feel free to send me links. I see you have a course available. Is it component testing specific? Or a good way to grasp the foundations of Cypress? You seem like the component guru.
Search https://cypress.tips/search for "Component", there are blog posts, and videos. I don't have a course for component testing, since it will change in Cypress v10 so I am waiting for that to be released, but my free open source workshop which I usually charge a lot (https://cypress.tips/workshops) is open source and has everything https://github.com/bahmutov/cypress-workshop-basics If you want to get hands-on Cypress E2E experience (which 100% applies to the component tests) then my course is a good time and money investment https://cypress.tips/courses
But basically, it is the opposite - you mount your component but then interact with it via public api (dom, storage, network) and not like a component. Props etc are implementation details, yeah it is nice that you can pass them, but after that a component becomes a full mini web application
This is all super helpful. I really appreciate your time!