recommendations for image processing in CF? we hav...
# cfml-general
recommendations for image processing in CF? we have user photo uploads right now that we accept jpg/png and limit them to 4MB size, but we'd like to allow any size (up to like 100MB or something) and resize it on the server to fit our desired size, and also convert things like HEIC to jpg. Anyone got anything they're using currently that works for them?
we use imagemagick for quite a number of things, it says it supports heic (i don't have any experience with that type)
I've seen the name of that library kicking around as I've googled a bit, looking into this. Is your experience been that it's fairly performant, good docs, etc.?
it is much more performant than cf or lucee with images in our experience
nice - I will give it a go. Thanks for the feedback/input.
I'm just here to mention that I've also had good experiences with ImageMagick.
awesome - thank you. It looks pretty straightforward - just cfexecute w/ the exe path, image path, output path, and options. I'ma dive in tomorrow and see if I can get it working for my use case
GraphicsMagick is an early fork of ImageMagick and tends to be a bit more performant in my testing.
Not-very-useful report: In a prior lifetime, my employer used ImageMagick, and ended up moving away from it because of failures and/or limitations I no longer remember. We replaced it with an in-house library in Java, which isn't something most CF-not-java shops would want to take the time to do. Only real takeaway is that if you do run into problems with it, that's not unheard-of.