quick question, i know i have seen it posted here ...
# box-products
quick question, i know i have seen it posted here before but how does one fix the poor text formatting in power shell? especially running testbox
@deactivateduser Explain?
Perhaps a screenshot so we know what you're talking about?
Well this sounds familiar 🙂
@jimcumming It could be the same thing you asked about, or it could be the character encoding bug that Luis introduced in CommandBox 5.10 that was fixed in CommandBox 5.1.1.
I usually have 2 or 3 ideas of what someone's issue is when I reply, but I wait to share them until I have enough information to narrow down which one they're hitting
Sorry not the best quality, had to pull from the recorded stream since I am no longer on that machine
Ah well that's different to my issue, that looks like character encoding.
Yea, it is a powershell, but ran through vscode. Not sure if that is important at all or not, but powershell also showed something similar
@deactivateduser What version of CommandBox are you on?
New install from last night, downloaded from the website.
Also just installed testbox
Hmm, not sure then. That looks for all the world like the char encoding issue that snuck in two releases ago, but that should be fixed
actually -- I was wrong about the version it's fixed in.
It was introduced in 5.1.1 and fixed in 5.2.0
I guess you get to test out the release candidate and let me know if it works!
I just published the RC yesterday
Can I upgrade through the commandline or do I need to redownload the exe?
Download the exe
Read over the release notes to make sure you understand the new server profiles.
ok then that will have to wait for tonight, don't have that much access
External (non-localhost) traffic to the CF admin is blocked now by defult for production profiles (easy to turn back on if you need though)
Just don't want you surprised by it.
Just tested the new version an it does fix the text issues.