I have the following try/catch block, but still ge...
# cfml-beginners
I have the following try/catch block, but still get this error: Element QUERYERROR is undefined in CFCATCH. What am I not doing to catch it?
Copy code
	<cfstoredproc procedure="UPDATE_PKG.MAIN_P" datasource="#REQUEST.prod#">
		<cfprocparam type="In" value=#FORM.sales_order_number# cfsqltype="CF_SQL_INTEGER">
		<cfprocparam type="In" value=#FORM.division_id# cfsqltype="CF_SQL_VARCHAR">
		<h3 align="left">Success</h3>
		<p></p><a href="#CGI.http_referer#">Go Back</a>

	<CFCATCH TYPE = "Database">
			Something went wrong :-( Contact your system administrator<br />
Try dumping your
to see what keys are available.
Also, this idea may be a little out there, but perhaps the
attribute is case-sensitive?
Yeah, not all keys in
always exist. So your code is erroring when it runs, but then inside the error handling (the
block) you are referencing something that doesn't exist.
Also - I wouldn't output the error information as you are exposing information about your applications / database which hackers could use to exploit it. You should log the error and put out a generic "sorry" message to the end user.
Thanks for replies. It looks like TYPE needs to be "database" and dump revealed no queryError in it. I guess the error happened before sql was passed into a database. Should I use TYPE="any"? Will it work with database errors?
If you were planning to handle errors differently, I might use the type attribute, but yours appears to be generic ("something went wrong"), so I would use "any" (which I believe is the default anyway).
👆 2
I think I just answered my own question by entering 1/0 into my stored proc. Type="any" returned "Error: Error Executing Database Query.", but "database" returned much more useful data: "ORA-01476: divisor is equal to zero"
So, how do I combine the two? I need to catch errors with type="any" before sql is passed into a database, but would like to have detailed error msg with type="database" when proc is running.
You can have multiple catch types. For example:
Copy code
  <!--- run some code --->
  <cfcatch type="database">
    <!--- handle a database error --->
  <cfcatch type="any">
    <!--- handle any other type of error --->
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👍🏼 1
Thank you both!