I am porting some MSSQL queries over to PostgreSQL...
# sql
I am porting some MSSQL queries over to PostgreSQL (running on ACF) and having problems. I am running this query using queryexecute:
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Copy code
DO $$DECLARE tid integer; BEGIN UPDATE some_table SET somefield='text', updated_date=CURRENT_TIMESTAMP where pk=2386 RETURNING pk INTO tid; END$$;
The query technically executes ok, as the value is updated in the db, but the return value is undefined. my original MSSQL code had a select statement at the end to return some fields. what am I doing wrong?
What are you expecting this to return?
the primary key value... with the old MS SQL code, I had a select pk as the final statement, so my return would contain that. but postgres doesn't like the select statement at the end.
can you elaborate on "doesn't like"?
not the PK? Can you run a separate query to return this?
The pk isn't always passed, since sometimes the main record is INSERTed, and thus the pk is used for subsequent records... the query is simplified a great deal, but yes, 2386 is the PK. The nature of my problem is trying to figure out how to get return data back to CF. So, if when I include SELECT tid; as a final statement, postgres returns error: query has no destination for result data Hint: if you want to discard the results of a SELECT, use PERFORM isntead.
it seems the DO block always returns a void, so that explains that. I may have to create a temporary function and run that.