I'm curious to know what folks are generally using...
# testing
I'm curious to know what folks are generally using for Performance Testing and Load Testing with Jenkins CI/CD. What are your thoughts regarding JMeter, K6, LoadView, or Gatling?
I don't typically automate perf testing in CI/CD, but when I do it, I tend to use JMeter.
Thanks, @bdw429s Am I able to use JMeter to test input fields in a post form? I read that JMeter does not support interacting with DOM elements, especially for SPA. So, I'm wondering if I might be able to instead set up a post call to the page that receives the form submit in order to simulate the submit and receive the rendering response time. Something along the lines of how Postman operates, basically. Is this basically how it is done in JMeter?
@ryan Jmeter does a lot of stuff, but it's mostly just sending HTTP requests. If you want to interact with a parsed DOM, you should look into Selenium
But I have very little experience there
Agreed.. Selenium has been on my mind regarding the possibility of having to test with DOM elements, but just looking around to see what else is out there these days. I dabbled in Selenium many moons ago, but am hoping that there might be new and better technologies out there today. Thanks, @bdw429s.
We've used Gatling for load testing - I like it. But like Brad, we don't do it as part of CI/CD.
Gatling is ok - but quite esoteric I think. When load testing some socket.io stuff, I stumbled on Artillery. Has a really nice syntax for setting up tests that doesn't require dealing with a whole new programming language.
ymmv of course
Thanks for your insight @aliaspooryorik and @domwatson. I noticed artillery in one of the top 10 lists and will look into it more. I recently have been looking at k6.io. Any thoughts on it? It looks nice from the examples as the load test scripts are written in javascript. k6 has resources mentioning how they have significantly reduced the memory allocation compared to JMeter, because k6 is written in GoLang which has a native way of simulating tens of thousands of virtual users with one load generator compared to JMeter with a few thousand virtual users. Maybe for many sites, a few thousand is good enough. Lol JMeter supports more protocols than k6 as well. My task is to find something that works well in a CI/CD environment. I'm sure both do, but k6 seems to deal with less code in each test compared to JMeter.
you might find cypress for dom interaction works for your use case
I will look into cypress as well. Thank you, @dougcain