any clues
# javascript
any clues
First start with an example of what you are trying to do... using or something similar
👍 1
in this case the scroller is moving to the right side, i want the last column to have a shadow until the scroller reaches extreme right
In javascript you could have this listener
function(e) {
e.currentTarget.dataset.horizontalScrollEnd = (e.currentTarget.scrollLeft + e.currentTarget.clientWidth >= e.currentTarget.scrollWidth);
e.currentTarget.dataset.horizontalScrollBegin = (e.currentTarget.scrollLeft == 0);
And then detect the html attribute on wrapper in CSS
where in the js it shows that the vertical bar is on the right side
it should add to your .wrapper element to values data-horizontal-scroll-end and data-horizontal-scroll-begin if it is data-horizontal-scroll-end you have reached the end of your element if it is data-horizontal-scroll-begin you are at the beginning. then your css could dostuff .wrapper[data-horizontal-scroll-end="true"] table { color: blue; }
thanks, i will take care of css, one last question it happens only on scroll, can it also happen on load because when loaded, the vertical bar will be on the left side before it is moved to middle or right side
you can force fire the javascript or you could just set the attributes as default that on your wrapper and assume it starts scrolled to the left all the way... <div class="wrapper" data-horizontal-scroll-end="false" data-horizontal-scroll-begin="true">
Or you could do something like this function wrapperScrollEvent(e) { e.currentTarget.dataset.horizontalScrollEnd = (e.currentTarget.scrollLeft + e.currentTarget.clientWidth >= e.currentTarget.scrollWidth); e.currentTarget.dataset.horizontalScrollBegin = (e.currentTarget.scrollLeft == 0); } document.querySelector(".wrapper").addEventListener("scroll", wrapperScrollEvent); wrapperScrollEvent({currentTarget: document.querySelector(".wrapper") } );
Thanks its awesome, can you guide in css for my this fiddle, trying to make my cSS perfect like the Image
I am not going to try to style it exactly the way you want.. that is why they pay you... but here is basic w ay of doing this...
i own the company, not getting payment 🙂
and i can use div overlay, no need for TD