I have a project were I list my users, e.g. https:...
# box-products
I have a project were I list my users, e.g. https/someproject12345/users users was a routing entry in my application. But to my surprise it is showing my local
directory on my macbook now. When I remove the users entry in my coldbox routing table it is still showing the same users directory. It should fail as an unknown event. So I suspect undertow is taking over control of this url, but how?? It never behaved like this before
by chance, is anything cached? Have you tried fwreinit url param?
I even restarted everything
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It’s weird, never seen this behaviour before. Let me try it with some other project
Nope. Only in this project. I guess I throw away my config and create a new one
very odd, indeed
Ok, created a new map and new lucee server config, imported the old config. Problem disappeared. Back to work 🙁
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I suspect systemCacheClear() then fwreinit would have fixed you up. Just something to try if you run into it again.
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