I am finally diving into the world of ColdBox modu...
# box-products
I am finally diving into the world of ColdBox modules and I'm really digging it. What I can't figure out is how to have Wirebox inject my parent applications model objects into my modules handlers. Is there a config setting for the module to be able to map the parent models folder in addition to my modules models folder?
🙌🏾 1
The module should only be mapping models within the module; the parent
would map your parent app's models with something like
mapDirectory( 'model.ORM' ).property( name = 'wirebox', dsl = 'wirebox' );
I kinda figured it might be weird because you're breaking encapsulation of the module by reaching outside of it.
yeah if you need to map "other" cfc's from an different or older application use the main wirebox config i would have thought. you can also map single objects with map() https://wirebox.ortusbooks.com/configuration/mapping-dsl/mapping-destinations
presumably??? you can do module specific wirebox config but not something i have ever done
The parent ColdBox application has WireBox configured to map a models folders outside the webroot. If I configure WireBox to also look at the modules models folder, then autoinject annotations should work, right?
module config
autoMapModels = true
what your after?
I have that set to true already but the model object isn't getting injected into the handler
I think what I want to accomplish is possible, I just need to fiddle with Wirebox config a bit
oh you need to use a property or a wirebox call to actually have it available in the handler
Ha! I'm just impatient and had an abort in my init that prevented me from seeing the injection. I added the modules models folder to the Wirebox config and reinit, then voila!
ah lol that will cause an issue or two yes!
My handler had the property for my service I wanted and I can see it is properly initialized now with the dependancies I was looking for. Thank you for the guidance!